Saturday, October 19, 2019

How to attract Facebook visitors to your website

Posting on social media will bring visitors to your website. However, not all interesting posts and can attract many visitors to your website.

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are worthy and worthwhile to get more traffic to your webpage. At present, they can be more useful than search engines, when used correctly. Get used to making posts on your social media channels every time something new happens on your website.

Instead of uploading photos or videos to your Facebook page, you better put it on your site, and link it to the web page by placing a link on your Facebook profile, Twitter feed, and so on. Be aware that links need to be interesting or relevant to your visitors, so souvenir tumbler murah, beli aja di they don't refuse to click on the links and share your posts!

Social media marketing techniques will also be a technique to maximize the potential of social media for marketing or sales. There are many social media that exist in Indonesia.

Every social media has active users with different characteristics. There are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Path, Line, and so forth. In this article we took Facebook through Facebook. Because Facebook has full features and users are increasing from year to year.

Here are just 10 powerful tips for making posts that attract facebook visitors to your website.

  • Use the link to your website when posting articles on Facebook.
  • Use interesting images and videos.
  • Involve your Facebook members.
  • Offer discounts or promotions
  • Offer specific information
  • Inform end time
  • Inform your routine activities with a calendar
  • Schedule your posts.
  • Target your audience.
  • Review posts on page insights provided by Facebook to see if your posts are correct or not.

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